Monday, July 25, 2011


Have you noticed how noisy our world has become?! It's a constant never ending barrage of NOISE!! TV, Radio, Traffic, Telephones, Computers, People,  etc. How are we supposed to hear God through all that?! Granted when you are running you try to avoid hearing God speak, however He'll use little things to get through that wall you've put up. Hiding in your comfort zone of noise, blocking out what you know He wants to say but you don't want to hear....

The trick now I guess is how do we turn that noise OFF when we WANT to hear from Him?! How & where do we find the MUTE button or better yet the OFF button?! Do we withdraw from people?! Responsibilities?! Do we fast?! Since not a lot of us have the luxury of going into seclusion, what about fasting?! What does fasting actually mean in this day & age?! Do we give up food altogether?! Or do we give up solid food & live on a liquid (smoothie?) diet?! Or do we put nothing except water into our bodies?! Or does fasting mean something else?! How about fasting television?! Or radio?! Or even Internet!?

As I come back to where God wants me, I absolutely adore this quote from Loren Cunninghams book, "Is That Really You God?" The Lord spoke to one of his YWAM staffers that had strayed.....He said "The price you have to pay to follow Me is far less than the price you'll have to pay not to follow Me."

As I think of all the years I wasted doing my own thing & struggling, making not only myself but my family miserable, I want to cry. The price that I have paid & therefore my family has had to pay was extremely high. If I need to sacrifice just one day of eating or TV to hear God, I know the rewards will be amazing! He has promised that! He promised that if I give up my life for Him I will save it! (Mark 8:34)

Several exciting opportunities have begun to come across my path & I want to be sure that I do what He wants me to do not what Vicki wants to do. I daily, hourly, momentarily have to remember to die to myself quiet the noise & listen. Please pray that I hear what I'm supposed to.

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